McCulloch making push for voter registration

Linda McCulloch

The Montana Secretary of State’s Office is reminding voters to check their registration status ahead of the November election. The deadline for traditional registration is October 9th.

Secretary of State Linda McCulloch is taking some road trips to check county election offices before November 6th.

Speaking from Lincoln County, she says she pops in to the offices to check procedures, best practices, “where they have all their voting equipment and I check to make sure they have their machines, their tabulating machines.”

McCulloch is also making a push for Montanans checking they are properly registered to vote. You can do so from the Secretary of State’s website.

Click the My Voter Page button.

Then you should be able to see your information is all up to date. You can see your polling place too and request an absentee ballot.

What if you know that stuff’s not going to be there? What if you still need to register?

Right now, you can print a registration form off online and mail it in.

October 9th is the deadline for registering this way. In order to register after the 9th, McCulloch said, “that must be done in person at the county courthouse or other location designated by the Clerk and Recorder.”

After that deadline, you still can register at your county courthouse until 8 PM on election day. To be eligible for registration, you must be a citizen of the United States.

“(You must be) a resident of Montana at least 30 days before the election and be at least 18 years old on or before election day,” McCulloch said.

That’s all you need. Although, it may help to inform yourself on the issues and candidates too.


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